IIF vs. If...Then...Else in VB, VBA, and VB .NET Visual Basic, VBA, and Visual Basic .NET support the IIF function as an alternative to the If...Then...Else statement. Although this may seem like a shortcut, IIF functions differently than If...Then...Else. IIF must evaluate the entire statement when pre
#If...Then...#Else Directives - MSDN - Microsoft Conditionally compiles selected blocks of Visual Basic code.
VB.Net If...Then...Else Statement - Tutorialspoint VB.Net If...Then... Else Statement - Learn VB.Net Programming in simple and easy steps starting from Environment setup, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Type ...
VB.NET If Then, ElseIf, Else Statement Examples This VB.NET page uses the If Then statement. It uses the ElseIf, Else and End keywords.
Visual Basic 2012 Lesson 9- Using If....Then....Else This Visual Basic 2012 tutorial lesson demonstrates the usage of If then else in VB2012 programming ... 9.3 Using the If control structure with the Comparison Operators To effectively control the Visual Basic 2012 program flow, we shall use the If control
If ... Then...Else | VBScript | SS64.com - SS64 | Command line reference If ... Then...Else Repeat a block of statements. Syntax If condition Then [Statements] [Else Else-Statements] or If condition Then [Statements] [ElseIf condition-n] Then [Statements] [Else] [Statements] End If Key condition An ...
If...Then...Else Statement (Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft Conditionally executes a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression.
If...Then...Else 陳述式(Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft condition. 必要項。 運算式。 必須評估為True 或False,或評估為可以隱含轉換為Boolean 的資料型別。
Beginner Visual Basic - If then Else statement - YouTube
Visual Basic Tutorial Lesson 7: Controlling Program Flow End If. * Any If...Then.. Else statement must end with End If. Sometime it is not necessary to use Else.